Ctrl Shift For Mac

A clear list of over 200 Excel shortcuts for both Windows and Mac, side-by-side. Windows shortcuts in dark gray on the left, Mac shortcuts in white on the right. I have spent 4 days outside of home, to use just windows PC where it is easy as a pie - F2, CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. If you want to check if I tell truth - go to HELP in Excel for Mac, type array formula, find LINEST and look at the solution combination! The solution: select the range, press CONTROL+U and then press ⌘+RETURN.

  1. Mac Shift Command 5
  2. Ctrl Shift T For Mac
  3. Ctrl Shift Down For Mac
  4. Mac Shift Key

This is a list of keyboard shortcuts for working in Tableau. For information on navigating a view using a keyboard, see Keyboard Accessibility for Tableau on the Web.

Mac Shift Command 5

Shortcuts for managing workbooks, sheets, and files (Tableau Desktop)

DescriptionWindows shortcutMac shortcut
New workbookCtrl+NCommand+N
New worksheetCtrl+MCommand+T
Describe sheetCtrl+ECommand+E
Cycle forward through open worksheetsCtrl+Tab, Ctrl+F6Shift+Command+right bracket
Cycle backward through open worksheetsCtrl+Shift+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+F6Shift+Command+left bracket
Switch in and out of Presentation ModeF7 , Ctrl+HOption+Return
Switch in and out of Full Screen modeControl+Command+F

Open file

Save fileCtrl+SCommand+S
Save file asCtrl+Shift+S
Revert workbook to last saved stateF12Option+Command+E
Close the current workbookAlt+F4Command+W
Open HelpF1Control+Command+question mark

Shortcuts for managing workbooks, sheets, and files (Tableau Server, Tableau Online)

DescriptionWindows shortcutMac shortcut
New worksheetCtrl+Alt+TCommand+Alt+T
Switch in and out of Full Screen modeF11 Control+Command+F
Save fileCtrl+SCommand+S
Save workbook asCtrl+Shift+SShift+Command+S
Close the current workbookAlt+F4Alt+Q
Print (or export as PDF)Ctrl+PCommand+P
Open HelpF1Control+Command+question mark

Shortcuts for data (Tableau Desktop)

DescriptionWindows shortcutMac shortcut
Connect to data sourceCtrl+DCommand+D
Activate the find command in the Data paneCtrl+FCommand+F
Refresh data sourceF5Command+R
Run data updates on a viewF9Shift+Command+0
Toggle automatic data updates on and offF10Option+Command+0

Shortcuts for data (Tableau Server, Tableau Online)

DescriptionWindows shortcutMac shortcut
Connect to data sourceCtrl+DCommand+D
Refresh data sourceAlt+F5 Option+F5
Rename data sourceAlt+F2Option+F2
New data source Ctrl+Alt+DControl+D
Edit data sourceCtrl+Alt+Shift+DControl+Shift+D

Shortcuts for authoring views (Tableau Desktop)

DescriptionWindows shortcutMac shortcut
Show Me!Ctrl+1 , Ctrl+Shift+1Command+1
Add the selected field to the sheet. (Only works with a single field.)Enter or double-clickReturn or double-click
Place selected field on Columns shelfAlt+Shift+C Option+Shift+C
Place selected field on Filters shelfAlt+Shift+FOption+Shift+F
Place selected field on SizeAlt+Shift+IOption+Shift+I
Place selected field on DetailAlt+Shift+LOption+Shift+L
Place selected field on ColorAlt+Shift+OOption+Shift+O
Place selected field on Pages shelfAlt+Shift+POption+Shift+P
Place selected field on Rows shelfAlt+Shift+ROption+Shift+R
Place selected field on Shape Alt+Shift+SOption+Shift+S
Place selected field on Text/LabelAlt+Shift+TOption+Shift+T
Place selected field on Rows shelfAlt+Shift+XOption+Shift+X
Place selected field on Columns shelfAlt+Shift+YOption+Shift+Y
Open the Drop Field menuRight-click+drag to shelfOption+drag to shelf
Copy a field in the view and place it on another shelf or cardCtrl+dragCommand+drag
Swap rows and columnsCtrl+WControl+Command+W
Flip orientation of column labels at bottom of viewCtrl+L
Toggle dashboard grid on and offGG
Toggle between Dashboard and Layout tabsTT
Cut text selection (in captions, titles, formulas, etc.)Ctrl+XCommand+X
Paste clipboardCtrl+VCommand+V
Clear the current worksheetAlt+Shift+BackspaceOption+Shift+Delete
Move floating dashboard object Arrow key moves 1 pixel, Shift+arrow moves 10 pixels Arrow key moves 1 pixel, Shift+arrow moves 10 pixels

Resize floating dashboard object

Alt+arrow key resizes in 1-pixel increments, Shift+Alt+arrow resizes in 10-pixel incrementsOption+arrow key resizes in 1-pixel increments, Shift+Alt+arrow resizes in 10-pixel increments
Ctrl shift down for mac

Shortcuts for authoring views (Tableau Server, Tableau Online)

Ctrl Shift T For Mac

DescriptionWindows shortcutMac shortcut
Add the selected field to the sheet. (Only works with a single field.)Double-clickDouble-click
Copy a field in the view and place it on another shelf or cardCtrl+dragCommand+drag
Toggle dashboard grid on and offGG
Toggle between Dashboard and Layout tabsTT
Cut text selection (in captions, titles, formulas, etc.)Ctrl+XCommand+X
Paste clipboardCtrl+VCommand+V
Clear the current worksheetAlt+Shift+BackspaceOption+Shift+Delete
Move floating dashboard object Arrow key moves 1 pixel, Shift+arrow moves 10 pixels Arrow key moves 1 pixel, Shift+arrow moves 10 pixels

Resize floating dashboard object

Alt+arrow key resizes in 1-pixel increments, Shift+Alt+arrow resizes in 10-pixel incrementsOption+arrow key resizes in 1-pixel increments, Shift+Alt+arrow resizes in 10-pixel increments
Rename column field (when field is selected in the data schema pane)


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Rename calculated field (when calculated field editor is open)F2F2

Shortcuts for resizing rows and columns (Tableau Desktop)

Smaller cell sizeCtrl+BCommand+B
Bigger cell sizeCtrl+Shift+BCommand+Shift+B
Make rows narrower Ctrl+left arrowControl+Command+left arrow
Make rows wider Ctrl+right arrowControl+Command+right arrow
Make columns shorter Ctrl+down arrowControl+Command+down arrow
Make columns taller Ctrl+up arrowControl+Command+up arrow

Shortcuts for pages (Tableau Desktop)

DescriptionWindows shortcutMac shortcut
Start or stop forward playback on the Pages shelfF4F4
Start or stop backward playback on the Pages shelfShift+F4Shift+F4
Skip forward one pageCtrl+periodCommand+period
Skip backward one pageCtrl+commaCommand+comma

Ctrl Shift Down For Mac

Shortcuts for selecting and navigating marks

DescriptionWindows shortcutMac shortcut
Select a markClickClick
Select a group of marksDragDrag
Add individual marks to the selectionCtrl+clickCommand+click
Add a group of marks to the selectionCtrl+dragCommand+drag
Use Rectangular Selection tool AA
Use Lasso Selection ToolDD
Use Radial Selection ToolSS
Select all dataCtrl+ACommand+A
Copy selected dataCtrl+CCommand+C
Clear the mark selectionEscEsc
Pan around the viewShift+dragShift+drag
Zoom in to a point in the view (if not map, requires zoom mode)Double-click , Ctrl+Shift+clickDouble-click, Shift+Command+click
Zoom out from a point on a map (if not map, requires zoom mode)Ctrl+Shift+Alt+clickShift+Option+Command+click
Zoom outShift+Double-clickShift+Double+click
Zoom in to an area in the view (requires zoom mode if not map)Ctrl+Shift+dragShift+Command+drag
Zoom in and out on a mapScrollScroll
Drag a row and scroll through a long list simultaneously Click+drag to bottom of pane+holdClick+scroll, Command+hold

Mac Shift Key

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